Finishers: Lucky To Be Here

Why is Finishers successful? I will do a workshop in a couple of weeks when I’ll be expected to answer that question.

My first response is to be cautious. We don’t know yet how well it’s working. The fast growth is promising, but we’ll know we’re successful when the data say we are—when students involved in Finishers graduate at a higher rate than their peers. Until then, we can only guess.

So here are my guesses. These are the reasons I think students come to and stay with Finishers:

The Power of a Pledge
Nothing particularly innovative here—lots of groups do this. There seems to be something about formal pledges (which students sign to join Finishers) that helps folks follow through on their promises.

The Power of a Dream
But pledges, by themselves, are just words on paper. Finisher pledges begin with articulating one’s dream. The idea is to remind students what life goals are dependent on their academic ones.

The Power of Relationships
Every Finisher must both be and have an encourager—someone to check on him or her regularly and encourage/help with whatever obstacle one might be facing (including the nonacademic—rent, health, depression).

The Power of Example
Some things (commitment, hope, resilience) are caught more than taught. At every monthly meeting at least one student shares his or her story. These inspiring tales are my favorite part of Finishers.

The Power of a Movement
Early on I almost ruined things by letting a well-meaning student start dividing us into committees with officers and job descriptions. Then, the core group got me alone and reminded me what I had told them—we’re more of a movement than a club, with a shared passion not program. Thus, our leadership is more bottom-up than top-down. And spontaneity is as important as planning.

This last point helps me see the unifier in all my points. Why is Finishers working? I can answer in one word: students—these incredible students who somehow came together at this time and place.

I’m lucky to be here. 🙂

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