In Praise of Spontaneity

Did two things yesterday that aren’t normal for me.

First, I got up at 7:30 a.m., which is over an hour later than normal—because I’ve been waking with the sun and this morning was overcast.

And, two, last night, we went to dinner with friends, then lingered for an hour or two, just visiting. What’s unusual about that? It was a Tuesday.

Before retiring I would have done neither. Waking has not been determined by the sun but an alarm clock. And leisurely nights with friends were possible only on weekends, and, then, only if I was caught up on grading.

I know we need clocks and schedules to get things done, but I wonder what we lose in using them.

Maybe rest—I’m guessing my body is a better judge of how much sleep I need than is my clock.

And maybe spontaneity—It’s the difference in smiling for the camera and smiling because you can’t help it.

Schedules make sure I do things on time; spontaneity has me do them on purpose.

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