Blocked Dreams

What if your dream is blocked because of circumstances beyond your control? That’s the theme of “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” a recently released movie starring Cate Blanchette. Bernadette (Blanchette) is a once successful architect who has spent the last 20 years in a psychological tailspin because one of her masterpieces was destroyed. The tragedy caused her to stop creating.

And what happens when creative people stop doing what they were born to do? It’s the storyline of this movie, which, I’m convinced, will touch audiences.

Because most of us, especially retirees, have “been there; done that.” We know what it feels like to have something come between us and our dream.

The movie is entertaining. Bernadette is one funny lady, and when she goes missing before a planned family vacation to Antarctica, the plot gets compelling.

I like good endings with somewhat of a moral, and this story has one. It seems one has to let go of the hurt of lost dreams and move on to new projects.

Maybe in a whole new location.

Maybe in Antarctica.

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