Get the Shot!

I haven’t blogged for about three weeks, but I have an excuse. Can give it to you in one word. Are you ready?


For those of you who have walked in my shoes, I need say no more. For the rest of you,


Actually, I have been journaling. But the pieces were too whiny and depressing to share. Here’s a sample:

Day 4: “My grace is sufficient for you.” Is it?

Day 5: Am going from passable (I can bear the pain) to miserable (no way; I can’t do this).

Day 6: Trying to function in public and appear normal. Isn’t that the way most of life is?

Day 11: I think it’s day 11. Have lost touch—just living from pain pill to pain pill.

Day 12: Think I experienced a turning point last night. Oh, I hope so.

Day 16: Taught Sunday school this morning and looked sort of normal. Sort of.

Sorry, but I have no profound insight from all of this. Just wanted you to know why I was silent. Oh, and I have one small suggestion:



2 thoughts on “Get the Shot!

  1. Yep I feel your pain. Yes I also experienced the same although my attack may not have been as large as yours. I did get a preventive shot again, however later on I experinced a smaller attack for which I was given an anti-viral med, valcyclover, very effective. This year I got the shot and the reaction was quite painful for 3 days at the injection site. Found out I should get a booster within 2 month but my doctor could not access a supply. Now I am suppose I am to go thhrough the 2 injection routine again but frankly have low motivation. So happy to hear you are feeling better. However, you get a sense that another attack is occurring get that anti-viral med immediately within 24 hours, it stems the spread, a marvel of modern medicine.

    1. Hi Jeanne. I did get the antiviral within 48 hours of the outbreak. Can’t imagine what it would have been without it. Oh well, I hope your last two shots are without complication. Best wishes, Mike.

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