City Slickers III

We’re calling it City Slickers III. You remember the 1991 movie with Billy Crystal where he and two of his pals went on a New Mexico cattle drive.

Well, we’re not trailing cattle so there won’t be any stampedes, nor any drunk cowboys shooting wildly into the air (I can’t guarantee that one), but this summer three friends and I will spend four days in the Pecos Wilderness.

On horses.

There’ll be another difference from the movie. While those guys were closing in on 40, my friends and I are closing in on 60. OK, some of us have already closed. 🙂

But not to worry—unlike those Hollywood drugstore cowboys, we’ve all spent years in the saddle. Problem is it’s been years since those years.

So I’m preparing. A friend has offered refresher rides on her gentle mare. And I plan to  watch at least one John Wayne movie a week until our August departure.

More later.

2 thoughts on “City Slickers III

  1. Who gets to play Curly? I hope the fire danger will ease up with the coming of the monsoon rains…it’s pretty scary here right now.

  2. Wow! Sounds like an amazing trek! Nothing like a 4 day adventure to bring together friends in a completely different way. Can’t wait to hear more.

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