First, I want to thank you for taking a chance on my book. I know there are hundreds of options, and you chose this one.
I am humbled and grateful.
And excited.
Because making new friends is one of the perks of writing a book like this. I wish we could hang out together—maybe on a scenic hiking trail, or better still, at one of my favorite Mexican food places in Santa Fe.
Not gonna happen, huh?
So in lieu of these, I hope you will become a frequent guest on these pages. I’ll tell you about me and what I’m learning in retirement (will soon enter year 7). I have two goals in what I write here: encouragement and fun. For you and for me.
And I hope to get to know (and learn from) you. I mean that. Through the years readers have taught me far more than I them.
To get started, I wonder if you would briefly introduce yourself (could be just first name and location). Of course, you can share or ask other things. Just keep it brief. You’ll have other opportunities.
So I hope to hear from you. And do check back for new blogs and announcements.
Finally, thanks again for reading my book. I hope it put as big a smile on your face as you reading it did on mine.