Everyone Should Be a Grandparent before Becoming a Parent

Everyone should be a grandparent before becoming a parent.

Took my oldest granddaughter to dinner last night—just the two of us—and learned a lot.

Like what she wants to be when she grows up: A middle school art teacher. “Because I like kids and art,” she told me.

Also talked about 7th grade social groups, including preps (popular kids), gangstas (rebels) and emo’s (kids who wear their negative feelings for all to see).

Taylor is eclectic. Although her personality is more emo, she has friends in all the groups.

In fact, I learned more about this child in an hour than I did my own kids throughout their teens.

Because I was trying to listen rather than control her.

Everyone should be a grandparent before becoming a parent.

5 thoughts on “Everyone Should Be a Grandparent before Becoming a Parent

  1. I let Taylor see this before posting it. She pointed out that my premise is impossible. I told her my blog deals in the realm of possibility, not reality. 😉

  2. This reminds me of the angst parents of daughters have as they begin dating. We want so desperately to know the boys they go out with are good for them and to them, hoping for some miracle that will allow them to find their life partner on the first date, date only him for the next 15 years, marry only after they have completed their education and are secure in their respective professions, and live happily ever after.
    Being a grandparent, at least up to now, is a lot more fun. But then again, they are only 3.

  3. I agree, for so many reasons! I think that as we become grandparents, we have developed a hard-earned patience that parents sometimes lack. We are also a little more emotionally distanced when the issues and stressors come up, and sometimes can deal with things better than the parents (I see this a lot with my own daughter and mother. When I get too emotional about something, my Mom is really good at stepping in and helping). Hopefully as my own granddaughter gets older and starts school, I will have the time to be attentive and do what you are doing: just listen. Good job, Grandpa!

  4. I agree! Maybe because we aren’t so worried about “doing it perfectly”. Just being ‘grandma’ takes so much pressure off.

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