Forgotten Dreams

  1. What am I working on?
  2. What should I be working on?
  3. What do I want to be working on?

The questions from Ryder Carroll, creator of the Bullet Journal Notebook, got me thinking. So I took a few minutes and made a list.

My answers to questions A & B were remarkably alike. It seems retirement has eliminated a lot of unnecessary stuff. That’s good.

But question C had me more thoughtful. One spends a lot of his life silencing the wants because (pick one) they aren’t good for you (an extra piece of cherry cheesecake), they aren’t good for others (eating the last piece of cherry cheesecake) or they seem better left for another day (it’s called delayed gratification, waiting until I lose those 10 pounds before eating the cheesecake).

However, if we’re not careful, delayed wants can become denied wants.

Which is a major theme of my soon-to-be-released book. Retirement is a time to pursue dreams, and many of us have forgotten how. Because we’ve forgotten what—we have trouble even identifying our best dreams.

Can’t explain it all in a blog, but would it surprise you to know you’ll most likely find those dreams in your childhood?

More later.

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