The Pleasantest Thing in the World

“One of the pleasantest things in the world is going on a journey.” The words belong to William Hazlitt, a British naturalist, who in 1835 is thought to have written the first essay on walking.

I found him because I’ve been researching my favorite retirement activity for some time now and have decided to share my discoveries with you.

For now, I’ll start with the beginning.

With why I walk.

Are you ready?

I like it!

Profound stuff, huh? OK, if not earthshaking, it does make sense. Aaron Sussman and Ruth Goode in The Magic of Walking tell us something most of us already know: “No matter what your motivation, whether you walk because a book or a friend or your spouse recommended it, or your doctor prescribed it, you will go on walking only if you enjoy it (emphasis is mine).

So another question comes to mind: Why will you enjoy it? What makes walking fun? Can we make it fun or does it just happen? These are questions I had as I read the research. And my findings will be the subject of the blogs to follow.

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